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The short Stories of B.H. Bentzman
A book written by a Pentracer reviewed by a Pentracer!
From the fountain pen of M. S. (Jimmie) Cockburn

The Short Stories of BH BentzmanBruce wrote a book called: The short stories of B. H. Bentzman, published by Xlibris Corporation .As all of you know he is a heavy contributor to PenTrace. I got the book and read it:

The book has sixteen stories of several subjects: romantic, breaking into places, photography (I love that one "The Patron") I wish I can have that photography, hospitals, medicine, many up to day stories. B.H. Bentzman is very knowledgeable in many subjects, and it shows in these stories. That knowledge makes the great majority of his stories captivating, some grab you that you cannot put the book down until finish reading the story, and then you want to go to the next one.

B.H. Bentzman has a great command of the English language and uses very precise and correct words to describe the characters or the ambience in which the stories do occur.

I have enjoyed the book, and without hesitation recommend it to all the PenTrace members.

You can buy it at Amazon.com by clicking on the picture of the book's cover above. As you know Amazon donates a small percentage of the sale to PenTrace.

Go buy the book, enjoy the reading and help PenTrace and one of his members.


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Reader's Group choice.
The second Pentrace Reader's Group choice is...
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being

A young woman in love with a man torn between his love for her and his incorrigible womanizing one of his mistresses and her humbly faithful lover these are the two couples whose story is told in this masterful novel. In a world in which lives are shaped by irrevocable choices and by fortuitous events, a world in which everything occurs but once, existence seems to lose its substance, its weight. Hence, we feel "the unbearable lightness of being" not only as the consequence of our private actions, but also in the public sphere, and the two inevitably intertwine.

To purchase this book from Amazon, just click here.

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The Key to "The Name of the Rose"
Authors: Adele J.Haft, Jane G.White, and Robert J.White.
Reviewed by Donal Higgins

The Key to "The Name of the Rose is subtitled "Demystifying Umberto Eco's novel, The Name of the Rose. It includes translations of all non-English passages.

This book is intended as a key, to be used while reading "The Rose". It is divided into four main parts, each of which helps to deepen the understanding of Eco's text.

Chapter one contains a short essay on Eco, "Umberto Eco, Semiotics and Medieval Thought." Eco is a leading expert on Semiotics - the science of signs, or rather the study of the different sign systems that humans use to communicate to one another. Eco's interest in Semiotics and fascination with the Middle Ages have a major bearing on "The Rose"...

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Love and Longing in Bombay
Author: Vikram Chandra
Reviewed by Yit Arn Teh

As a southeast Asian expatriate living in North America, I felt particularly touched by Vikram Chandra’s book of short stories, Love and Longing in Bombay. The stories were able to evoke something of the cultural complexity, the contradictions and vitality of life in postcolonial Asia. The stories echoed my own sense of experience, coming of age in metropolitan Singapore...

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Einstein's Dreams
Author: Alan Lightman
Reviewed by Paul C. LoCasto

I have always been fascinated with the concept of time. With pubescent innocence I stumbled upon the rather troubling observation that upon the day of birth begins death. Upset at a draconian bedtime handed down by Parents, I resisted sleep by asking whether our arbitrary measurement of minutes, days, years, in any way implied a true understanding of the notion of time. And so it was in this capacity, as a seasoned timologist, that I picked up Einstein’s Dreams...

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Desert Island Book

Stranded on a desert island- lacking food and water, you are surely going to die (pleasant, isn't it?). You do not know who/when your identifcationless body will be found.

Your precious fountain pens all lost during your swim to temporary safety on the island- you have no means of writing down any of your last thoughts. You are able to take a single book from the sinking ship's extensive library. In choosing a book, you intend it to give those who find your body insight into who you were. What existential, politicial, practical (or any other) issues most occupied your thoughts? What work of literature put these into words most poetically? most artfully? Why did you choose this work? (reader's responses here)

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Pen, Ink & Evidence
By Joe Nickell
Reviewed by Len Provisor

Pen, Ink & Evidence by Joe Nickell

Long out of print, this fascinating book is once again available from Amazon. Author Joe Nickell is a document detective, a calligrapher, and has an extensive personal collection of historical documents and writing materials.

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