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An effective inner cap extractor
Quick review
from the fountain pen of Marcello Carli

Inner cap extractor



I am going to show some repair techniques that I use: that does not mean that they are the best ones or even the only ones that can be employed: they are simply the ones that I can use with my skill level and my tools.

Here is a simple, step-by-step method I use to extract the inner cap on several vintage pens.

Fig 1

Fig. 1: the tools

Fig 2

Fig. 2: thread the tap, using great care not to use excessive force. The tap will produce very light scoring of the inner cap. This does not seem to interfere with the proper functioning of the inner cap. I have used this method on many pens and never had a problem.

Fig 3

Fig. 3: I use a separate nut to pull the inner cap. Make sure that you soak the inner cap in water to loosen any dried ink. Use light pressure, remember that the cap is often a very delicate part, due to the age of the base material.

Fig 4

Fig. 4: it works!

Fig 5


Fig. 5: example of the markings left by the tap on the inside of an inner cap.


 © 2014 Marcello Carli - all rights reserved

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