Bill Doherty (Ollie )
Biography # 304 email:

- Admiral Farragut Academy graduated 1966
- US Coast Guard 1967-71
- Roanoke College, Salem, Va. 1971-74, B.A. in History
- Married to spouse Regina since January 1971, three children, Angela, Sean, Danny

I've been interested in fountain pens since high school. First one was a Schaeffer school pen. Next was a Parker 45. My collection of fountain pens favor Asia at the moment. I have numerous Vanishing Points, a Grance, a sterling Dragon Namiki. I also have several Pilot Customs to which I was introduced on this forum. I love the Pilot Custom 74 sold to me by Myra a few years ago. It's never leaving my collection. I hope my kids appreciate my hobby. For Angela I bought the MB Kafka SE, for Sean the MB Dumas SE and for Danny the MB Cervantes SE. The pens represent each of their favorite authors.

I've met (not in person sad to say) on this board some great people Sam F., Giovanni, Richard B and others. By far Pentrace is one of the more civilized boards I visit.

Other interests:
voracious reader: favorite authors are Bruce Catton, Samuel Eliot Morrison, James Lee Burke, Robert B. Parker, Lee Childs to name a few. I study Civil War history and have made several presentations to schools and libraries on subjects such as the Confederate Battle Flag, Preserving your local cemeteries, tracing your Civil War ancestry.

I am heavily involved with the restoration effort of the former Coast Guard Cutter Tamaroa/USS ZUNI. I hold the office of Historian. I love to vacation on water and favorite state in the Union is Maine.

Other interests (optional): Reading, History, Movies

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