Chgosatrap (satrap)
On Snail List Biography # 164 email:

Nothing much to tell. My name is Diane C. Ollie-Coleman, which is not as exotic as my screen name. I was born and brought up in the city of Chicago, in Old Town (da nort' side). Right now, my Washington, DC husband and I live in Southfield, MI, but we will be moving back home soon. I am 52, so I am not going to fill your screen with 52 years of life. If you read my posts, you will figure out all you want to know about me. I hope you don't want to know that much.

My pens of choice are all moderns: Waterman, Parker, Sheaffer, some Cross pens, (recently) Dani Trio Toscas, and others. About 3 weeks ago, I received my CP5, the most fancy shmancy pen I will ever own. just haven't had nerve to ink it yet.

I have not mentioned the kind of work I do or have done, because my job is not me.

I have orange hair.

Other interests:

Being a native Chicagoan, of course I like pizza, and Italian beef sandwiches with hot peppers. Plus, I like Starbucks, clothes, and huge wild hats.

Blog or Homepage:

No blog; the word "blog" sounds like something from an old Alfred Hitchcock movie.

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