Bill Wood
Biography # 272 email:

I'm a broadcaster of 33 years in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada. I live in a city of 6000, about 2 ours from a City called Saskatoon if anyone has been there. Yes it's cold, especially at this time of year, which gives us lots of time for hobbies. No not snowmobiling. Everyone in Canada does not own a snowmobile. I'm married to a wonderful, stabilizing woman named Maureen, the mother of our two teenage daughters, Stephanie and Jillian. I don't usually brag about my kids but both are beautiful dancers - the eldest is already a teacher and this winter stars as 'Dorothy' in the musical 'Wizard of Oz'.

I remember my first fountain pen in high school - a scratchy Sheaffer - and peacock colored ink. I printed all my notes because I was such a lousy writer. My love of pens took a hiatus in my teenage years, but by the time I was a broadcaster I owned 4 marbled Targas that I still use daily. My other hobby is Wire Wrapping Jewelry. Through the use of round and square gold and silver wire I makes rings, pendants, earrings and dabble in beading from time to time. My creations can be found in 5 local stores in our area. That's one thing I've noticed about fountain pen people - we are a creative bunch - we don't always walk the normal path - we own Macintosh computers and enjoy the purity and freedom of writing as an art.

Presently I'm saving and making Jewelry so I can purchase a new Sheaffer and a Cross from a gentleman in Hawaii; and one of these days I've got to get a Parker. Parker, Parker, Parker -- sometimes that all I hear. Nice to meet everyone on the list, and even though the learning curve is a little steep, all Pentracers are genuinely good people, which I believe is a quality that comes from the serenity and peace of the written, rather than printed word. My Radio Stations website is

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