Ron Anderson
Biography # 192 email:

I'm from Oz.- beautiful Port Stephens which is about 30 miles north
of Newcastle. I am 68, retired public servant, married with three
children and three grandchildren.

My interest in pens began not quite 12 months ago. Something
clicked. Why am I using ball points? I don't have to now and I
believe that in most work situations a fountain pen could be a work
pen. I have found them to be remarkably fast, smooth and with a more
even flow of ink than the majority of BPs.

I do remember using some FPs at school and have a couple of these
(recently acquired) in my collection.They are a Platignum and Conway
Stewart from UK and an Australian Onoto. I have a mixed collection
of old and new pens.

So far I have found the Parkers of all ages, especially the 51, hard
to beat for writing capabilities. Just recently I have come to know
the Esterbrooks of the 50s. I find them attractive with the marbling
cap and body. Their design is simple and functional particularly the
facility to easily change nibs to suit writing style and purpose.

My other interests include writing, photography and travel.

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