Lynn Brant
Biography # 148 email:


Don't let the name Lynn fool you. I am of the male persuasion and after 53 years, pretty used to the gender confusion the name sometime generates. I've been married for nearly 32 years (and to the same woman), all out children are of the four-legged variety (8 dogs, 6 cats, 2 horses). I live in the countryside of central Ohio near Columbus. I'm a Ph.D. economist by training and spent most of my career working for state government. In a desperate attempt to salvage what was left of my sanity I took an early retirement a few years ago and struck out on my own. I do some freelance consulting but mostly I'm a fulltime equities trader. I coach others interested in this "coolest of all careers" and have a website,

My dad was a fountain pen aficionado and accumulator and 20 years ago I inherited his small collection. Over the years I have focused my collection on Wahl exclusively and have a pretty extensive collection. My passion is the blood red Wahl and I own what I believe to be the largest known collection of them at over 30 pieces including the three piece decoband set (pen, pencil and pocketknife). I especially like odd colors and unusual pens and have a few of what I think are prototypes including an aluminum cap Skyline.

I founded the PenLovers website seven years ago and sold it a few years ago. I find that over the years I tend to collect vintage pens and use modern ones, although I do have a few vintage pens I used especially a favorite 51 and an all gold filled snorkel with a wonderful stub nib.

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