Joel Anderson
Biography # 288 email:

Greetings. I clocked-in on this site the moment Pentrace opened its doors and haven't gotten around to doing a bio until now. Actually, I have just finally realized that I can't copy the bio I did at "that other board" and so have to write another one. I'll keep it short so that there is something to write in the snails...

I was born, raised and will die in Missouri (yes, I am one of those really way cool voters who elected to the Senate a deceased candidate!) I am not quite 42 (!) --- you know, I actually had to stop a second and verify that. Whatever. Anyway, I am a trial lawyer with a 16 year old son who is a really good drummer directly above my study. Actually, it isn't as bad as it sounds. It is just the two of us (well--three cats), and if the drums get too loud--well, I have a 100-watt Peavey guitar amp that can raise a fuss of its own. So as you can see, I am 41 except those times when I am 17.

Before I was a lawyer I was a counselor and taught psychology for a bit. For fun, I play guitar (blues, some jazz, some classical) and I'm an amateur photogrpher (no, darkrooms and fountain pens don't mix too well).

I like to read classics, though I manage to read something written by a living writer on occasion. I usually keep several books going at once. If you'd find it helpful, my current queue includes "Through Another Lens," a biography of Edward Weston; a biography of Diane Arbus, "Anna Karenina," and "Still Life" by A.S. Byatt which I have LOST (she is so thick that if you get to far away from her you end up starting over).

I'm not a true pen collector--just an avid user and always have been. I didn't really focus on this fact until I retired a pen I used for over 10 years and decided to go vintage. Well, since then, a few more have creeped in through the floor boards and wall cracks--and there you have it. I don't really do the pen rotation thing. I have a main writer that I use when I have to write a lot--a 1945 Vac with good old trusty Quink Blue/Black. Wet. Effortless. Smooth. Next to it is usually a Parker 51 filled with my favorite ink--Quink Turquoise which I cannot buy anywhere but which a very kind and generous Pentracer shared with me!!

Enough. Methinks my prior bio was more interesting, but even this one is more interesting that I really am! Anyway, here's to pens!

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