Mike Cameron (Scribble)
Biography # 345 email: mjc8414@aol.com

I live in central Maryland and am the 50 year old father of two teenage boys, whom I coached in baseball for nearly a dozen years (until they became more skilled than I ever was and know more about the game than I ever will). My wife of over 18 years has adopted a very patient, if not quite understanding, attitude toward little pen hobby. I have a relatively senior position with a major management and technology consulting firm. So, all in all, I am a very happy guy.

I am definitely a vintage pen kind of guy. I have amassed a reasonable, and rapidly growing collection of Parker 45s, which are my current addiction. I also like Watermans from the WWII era, particularly the Canadian-made pens with those nice flexible nibs! Oh, and Sheaffer Snorkels and Touchdowns also seem to find their way into my hands from time to time.

I enjoy working on pens...it's relaxing and, at the end of the work, I have a newly restored toy to play with.

Other interests: I still like to pull out one of my Fender electric guitars and dust off the chops I had when I played in rock and country bands. Alas, with years of college tuition payments staring me down, I'm not about to give up the day job and try to resurrect any former glory.

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