Dan Carmell
On Snail List Biography # 326 email: dacmell@earthlink.net

I am a 47 year old single gay man, living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm a liberal and (now retired) libertine, but I live a very quiet life these days, mostly centered around pens and my dogs. I have two dogs, Jack, a Welsh Terrier, and Red, an Irish Terrier. When I'm not reading or on the internet, I'm writing, and when I'm not doing that, it's because the dogs have dragged me off on a walk.

My pen interests are mostly aimed at vintage pens, although I have a handful of modern pens. While I love hard rubber pens and especially safety pens, my vintage interests seem to veer more toward post-WWW II pens, especially Parkers, although I do have a number of Watermans and think that the Taperite is a vastly under-rated pen. The only pen I collect in a formal way is the Parker 45, which I prize as the last commonly used fountain pen, at least in the US and UK.

Other interests : Dogs, science fiction, history, and my hammock!


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