Tippi N. Blevins
Biography # 221 email: sff.net

Seeing Julie's bio reminded me I meant to post one of my own. Howdy, everyone. My name is Tippi N. Blevins. Age: I'm too young to really remember disco, and probably a bit too old to really wear all these Disco Rebirth fashions. Job: I'm a writer, with stories published in science fiction, fantasy, and humor categories, among others. I also work odd jobs to make ends meet, but none of them are odd enough to be thoroughly interesting. Residence: I was born in Taiwan, but have lived in Texas most of my life with multiple dogs.

I've always had a fascination for pen and paper, even as a toddler. My grandmother picked up on this and gave me a Phileas fountain pen a few years ago. However, I had become enamored of first typewriters and then computers. I always jotted notes by hand, but never got into really *writing* by hand. The fountain pen changed all that! Now I'm always looking for occasions for which I can send a note written on beautiful paper.

At this point I have mostly modern pens, including Watermans, a couple of Lamy fountain pens, a Namiki VP, and a Sheaffer Intrigue. My grandmother recently gave me an old Sheaffer Balance to help round out my accumulation. I can't really call it a collection...yet.

Anyway, that's a bit about me! I probably shouldn't write bios at 6 in the morning.


And my home page!
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