Mohan Apte
Biography # 271 email:

Have been meaning to introduce myself to the Pentracers for quite a while but couldn't get around to doing it formally by contributing to the "Bio-D" section of this site - so here goes....(well this isn't really a bio-D, just a brief intro...)

I must admit that DonM's previous message finally go me to type a few things about myself so here goes....

I am 32, based in Bombay, India (for those who have a problem finding the place on the map - locate Afghanistan !!!, and move south-east - easy). I am a banker by profession (graduated as an electronics engineer but moved over to a profession in Finance and Banking after post graduating in Business Management). I work in the Corporate Finance department with one of India's largest financial services provider (more on the web site - I am married to an Architect and have a son who's 4. Have recently been introduced to the joys of writing with a fountain pen and am in the process of building my collection in this rather expensive but addictive hobby. I don't get to use the pens too much what with so much typing these days and I have to admit that I type faster that I write !!! Having said that, I take great pleasure in writing with my current modest collection comprising a Pelikan M 600, a Sheaffer Balance Millenium and my trusty Parker Frontier (which started it all !!!)

I also take this opportunity to thank fellow pentracers who have contributed their bits to so many queries I had raised in the past - especially vivek (lowercase) narayanan, David R, MarkH, Ray Hull Karmann, WJD, Fran, Paul G, Joel A, Larry, John Cullen, Donal etc..(and with some I have communicated separately off the message board)

Look forward to getting some snailies from the US (and elsewhere...)

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