Roger Skully
Biography # 197 email:

Currently I operate and own a small portrait and wedding photography studio in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan, next to Detroit. I am 59 years old, married, and we live with two four-legged children - our dogs.

Prior to this is was in private practice as a psychotherapist. I have taught psychology at the college level, owned several bridal shops, and currently do all of the baby photography at one of city's medium sized birthing units, St. John Hospital of Detroit.

My hobbies include music and extensive reading. I have been cantor of the Grosse Pointe Jewish Council, and am currently at Beth Tephilath Moses, a conservadox synagogue in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. I have also served as president of the Grosse Pointe Ministerial Association.

As a photographer, I believe that I have found what really makes my heart sing. I love the work, and every day is a new challenge.

A picture of me is on my website ( I am the not too well dressed one with the camera in the section labeled pets.

Roger Skully

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