Biography # 202 email: wbrown_98@yahoo.com

I am a 46 yr old father of 2 boys aged 13 and 7, with a wonderful, understanding wife, who humors me on the subject of pens. We live in a northern suburb of Dallas, where the land is flat, and the sky full of planes. I used fountain pans in high school in upstate New York and never touched one again until this January when a vendor in Europe (I am chief Engineer for a fortune 500 food company) gave me a giveaway fountain pen from an unknown manufacturer. The pen wrote so well that i rekindled my interest in fountain pens. I now have a Sheaffer Prelude, Waterman Phileas, Waterman Carene, Waterman Laureat, and, as a departure, a Pelican R200 rollerball. I understand that this addiction is ultimately fatal (at least everyone afflicted with it ultimately passes on to pen heaven). Is there a cure?

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