David Mason
On Snail List Biography # 214 email: stubhead@hotmail.com

Mr. Mason was born and raised in the north tundra country of Minnesota, yet after a long, strange trip has settled in the swampy confines of Maryland's Eastern Shore - one of the few that got away. When not eking out a living as a legal writer, Mr. Mason is committed to empowering up his self-esteem engine, by proactively embracing non-judgemental accountability in the moment (at the end of the day). How grounded! What boundaries! Though he has had many careers (and can still squander time at a competitive world-class level), his current obsessions are semi-limited to practicing and writing music, celebrating the 'interesting' state of the nation today, pandering to the Master Kitten and of course, the ubiquitous pens.

Other interests : writing fiction, abusing electric & pedal steel guitars



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