Cathy Ellenwood
Biography # 225 email:

Age: 33 years old Profession: domestic Engineer and sometimes Calligrapher Interests: I am interested in all types of pens. Currently some of my favorites are the Gelly Roll series by Sakura, various newer(non-antique) fountain pens, all kinds of italic/calligraphy pens, and I collect but don't often use some of the older fountain pens.

Other than pens, my interests include: journaling, the internet, reading(the author of the moment is SARK), paper crafts (such as rubber stamping, paper cutting, making journals), and caring for my menagerie of pets(eight cats, two dogs, and a hamster). One of my biggest hobbies and missions in life is raising a healthy well-adjusted daughter(she's 14 now!). I also enjoy writing and corresponding.

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